Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Workshop EPAA-ECVAM on toxicokinetic modelling

Start date: 13 Oct. 2011

End date: 14 Oct. 2011

This workshop is a follow-up to the first EPAA workshop on this topic, in November 2008 in Dusseldorf,which has been successful in identifying the challenges and bringing together the relevant stakeholders. It will focus on the evaluation of potential and limitations of in silico toxicokinetic models.

The main objective of this second workshop is to identify both scientific and methodological gaps and to generate recommendations on how to address them. The outcome will inform test developers, toxicologists, safety assessors, regulators and research program officers on the priorities to focus on how to progress this to a new integrated risk assessment paradigm.





Date & Location:

13-14 October 2011

EC JRC, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, In Vitro Methods Unit (ECVAM), Ispra, Italy


Contact Details:

Ms Iwona Wilk-Zasadna with CC ESTAF mailbox:

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