Recent ECETOC workshops recommended a series of modifications and enhancements to existing OECD biodegradation screening tests to deliver more robust methods for assessing persistence. This reflects the high variability and poor reliability previously reported in OECD biodegradation screening tests such as the OECD 306, marine biodegradation test.
The Cefic-LRI funded ECO11-UNEW investigated and validated these enhancements, producing a framework for selecting the most suitable inocula cell concentration method for improved enhanced activated sludge (c.f. OECD 301) and marine tests (c.f. OECD 306). The plan is that these improvements will lead to a ring test of an enhanced OECD 306 test, which is of considerable interest to OSPAR and other regulators.
Cefic-LRI has agreed to sponsor a workshop to discuss and present the findings on the improvement of the OECD 306 screening test. The workshop will take place on 17-18 February at the CEFAS Laboratories, Lowestoft, United Kingdom, and will be lead by Dr. Russel Davenport, School of Engineering & Geosciences, Newcastle University.