The 19th Annual Cefic-LRI Workshop will take place in Brussels from 15-16 November 2017. “Making Sense of Omics” is the theme of this event organised by the Long-Range Research Initiative Programme (LRI) of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic).
The event starts on the evening of 15 November 2017 at the Le Plaza Hotel with an invited poster session and a networking cocktail followed by a Red Carpet Gala Dinner, which will host the 2017 LRI Innovative Science Award ceremony.
During the evening session, participants will listen to the Award 2016 project results: “Genome wide profiling of molecular responses related to toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic processes for the determination of key events as basis for quantitative AOPs”, presented by Dr Wibke Busch, from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, DE.
This will be followed by the presentation of the €100,000 2017 LRI Innovative Science Award to the winning research concept who will outline the work they intend to undertake thanks to the award funding.
On Thursday, 16 November, the workshop venue will be The Square in Brussels. The main workshop session will consist of a morning plenary session covering the impact of LRI research in the following key project areas, with focus on environmental and human health questions:
- Non-extractable residues
- Ecosystems services
- Chemical activity
- Biodegradation
- Bioaccumulation
- Carcinogenicity
- Inhalation nanotoxicology
In the afternoon, a thematic panel will discuss the topic “Making sense of Omics for regulatory applications”.
You can download the draft programme for the event here!
Register here for the LRI Workshop and 2017 LRI Innovative Science Award ceremony.
If you wish to book a hotel room, we recommend you Le Plaza hotel, special conference accommodation price of €195 including American Buffet Breakfast, VAT and Wifi. Link to book a hotel room here.