Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Cefic-LRI Launches New Funding Opportunities for Research on Microplastics, Mixtures Exposure, and Polymers

The Long-range Research Initiative (LRI) program of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) is now accepting grant applications for research in the following areas: 

  • How plastic fabrication impacts the breakdown of plastics into micro and nanoplastics?
  • How microplastics and nanoplastics get absorbed through the skin?
  • How polymers absorb and release in different environments?
  • Identifying the co-exposure of substances at the watershed level?

Application Deadline: 31 July 2024 

The Cefic-LRI program aims to support research addressing key issues related to the health and environmental impacts of chemicals in the industry. Proposals are welcome from both European and non-European entities, including for-profit and non-profit organizations, as well as public and private institutions such as universities, colleges, laboratories, and contract research organizations. 

Available Grant Opportunities for 2024:

To access project specifications, budget details, and application forms, click here. Only proposals that align with the project specifications and are submitted using the official LRI application form will be considered. 

The scientific evaluation and selection of applications for funding are managed by the LRI, with support from a scientific committee provided by the European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC). 

For further details, please contact Dr Katherine Santizo at kas@cefic.be or the LRI Secretariat at lri@cefic.be. 

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