The LRI Award, an initiative of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), in conjunction with the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – Europe (SETAC Europe), the Association of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX) and the International Society of Exposure Sciences (ISES), is offering a 100.000€ award to support promising new research in the field of dose-response of synergy in combined exposure to humans or environmental species.
The risk assessment of combined exposures to multiple chemicals is largely based on the assumption that effects of chemicals acting via the same Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP)/Mode of Action(MoA) can be estimated based on dose-addition, and that different AOPs/MoAs can be accounted for by response-addition models. The interaction of multiple chemicals that result in more-than-additive adverse effects (‘synergy’) is assumed to be rare and is mostly described for toxicokinetic interactions of pharmaceuticals at high doses.
Beyond the question of whether synergy can occur or not, the synergy dose-response is highly relevant for the risk assessment of moderate to low co-exposures to either humans or environmental species. Still, knowledge on the relevance of both exposure levels and mixture ratios on the occurrence and degree of synergy is limited.
The objective of this LRI Award is to stimulate innovative research, ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking and new approaches which will advance the development and application of new and existing approaches in the assessment of chemical safety.
The research should be complementary to the Long-range Research Initiative’s (LRI) objectives, a chemical industry funded programme that aims at enhancing scientific knowledge to help protect health and the environment.
The award is intended for a European-based scientist with less than ten years post-doctoral experience. Active involvement in interdisciplinary research, current academic track record, and access to appropriate networks will be considered in the selection.
The winning proposal of the LRI Innovative Science Award will be officially presented at the LRI Annual Workshop on 15 November 2017. The 2017 Awardee will be expected to present the results of his/her research supported by the Award at the LRI Annual Workshop in November 2018.
Applications have now closed.
The presentation of the three finalists and the selection of the winner will take place in Brussels on 6 June 2017.
Who can apply?
European-based scientists with less than ten years post-doctoral experience. Active involvement in interdisciplinary research, current academic track record, and access to appropriate networks will be considered in the selection. There is no age limit for applicants.
How does it work?
In January every year the topic is announced with a call for entries on the LRI website. Applicants must submit a 2-page proposal by mid-March (19/03/2017). Short-listed researchers are then requested to send in a more detailed description of their work, after which the three finalists are selected to present their proposal before a jury panel in Brussels. The LRI Innovative Science Award is officially presented at the LRI Annual Workshop in November, and the Awardee is invited to present the results of the research supported by the Award at the LRI Annual Workshop the following year.
For more information, please visit the LRI website or send an e-mail to