Principal Investigator
Fax +32 (0)9 264 3766
Paul J. Van den Brink, Alterra and Wageningen University, NL,
Antonio Di Guardo, University of Insubria, IT,
The first objective of this project is to couple separate exposure and effect models (here called’sub-models’) into a chemical integrated exposure and effect ecosystem model for ecological risk assessment (ChimERA) for the aquatic environment. This will be realized by combining the expertise of the consortium partners in the modelling of chemical fate and exposure, the effects on the level of individuals, populations and ecosystems, and the recovery potential. Just as the mythological Chimera is a creature composed of parts of various animals ( (mythology)), this project will integrate ERA’s building blocks into one predictive tool that will be subject to extensive testing using data from dedicated experimental work and from existing experiments performed with model-ecosystems and using uncertainty and sensitivity analyses.
In addition, this project will initiate a’tiered’ approach to model development, i.e. ChimERA will include stylized, simplified representations, which can be replaced by more complex modules in future efforts. For example, ChimERA will use Toxicokinetic/Toxicodynamic (TK/TD) sub-models to assess internal exposure and effects on the survival and reproduction of individuals.
Related Publications
F. De Laender, P. J. Van Den Brink, Janssen C.R. and Di Guardo A. The ChimERA project: coupling mechanistic exposure and effect models into an integrated platform for ecological risk assessment. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2014 May;21(9):6263-7.
F. De Laender, M.Morselli, H. Baveco, P.J. Van den Brink and A. Di Guardo. Theoretically exploring direct and indirect chemical effects across ecological and exposure scenarios using mechanistic fate and effects modelling. Environ Int. 2015 Jan;74:181-90.
Del Arco A.I., Rico A. and P.J. Van Den Brink. Effects of intra- and interspecific competition on the sensitivity of Daphnia magna populations to the fungicide carbendazim. Ecotoxicology. 2015 Aug;24(6):1362-71.
Viaene K.P.J., De Laender F., Rico A., P.J. Van Den Brink, Di Guardo A., Morselli M. and Janssen C.R. Species Interactions and chemical stress: combined effects of intraspecific and interspecific interactions and pyrene on Daphnia Magna populations dynamics. Environ Toxicol Chem. 2015 Aug;34(8):1751-9.
Morselli M., Semplice M., De Laender F., P. J. Van den Brink and Di Guardo A. Importance of environmental and biomass dynamics in predicting chemical exposure in ecological risk assessment. Sci Total Environ. 2015 Sep 1;526:338-45.
Del Arco A.I., Parra G., Rico A. and P.J. Van Den Brink. Effects of intra-and interspecific competition on the sensitivity of aquatic macroinvertebrates to carbendazim. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2015 Oct;120:27-34.
A. Di Guardo, M. Morselli, G. Morabito, M. Semplice, P.J. Van den Brink, F. De Laender. European environmental scenarios of chemical bioavailability in freshwater systems. Sci Total Environ. 2017 Feb 15;580:1237-1246.
Van den Brink, P.J., S.L. Klein and A. Rico. Interaction between stress induced by competition, predation and an insecticide on the response of aquatic invertebrates. Environ Toxicol Chem. 2017 Sep;36(9):2485-2492.
M. Morselli, G. Morabito, P. Van den Brink, F. De Laender, A. Di Guardo. European environmental scenarios of chemical bioavailability in freshwater systems. SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting, May 2007, Brussels, Belgium.
Van den Brink, P.J., A.I. Del Arco Ochoa, S. Klein, G. Parra and A. Rico. Effects of intra and interspecific competition on the sensitivity of aquatic species to pesticides. SETAC Asia/Pacific 2014 meeting, September 2014, Adelaide, Australia.
Van den Brink, P.J., S. Klein and A. Rico. Interaction between stress induced by competition and an insecticide on the response of aquatic invertebrates. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
Baveco, H., A. Focks, F. De Laender and P.J. Van den Brink. Impact of toxicant stress on the stability characteristics of 2-species competition models. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
Di Guardo A. Fate modeling and exposure scenarios within the Cefic project ChimERA – an integrated modelling tool for ecological risk assessment. 16th International Fresenius AGRO Conference, June 2014, Mainz, Germany.
F. De Laender, K.P.J. Viaene, A. Di Guardo, H. Baveco, P. van den Brink. ChimERA: Coupling exposure and effects into a predictive integrated framework for risk assessment. SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
K.P.J. Viaene, F. De Laender, C.R. Janssen. Food web models as a tool for ecological scenario analysis. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
Karel P.J. Viaene et al. Coupled individual based models as a new tool to predict ecological effects in multi-sciences systems. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
Karel P.J. Viaene et al. The ecological consequences of various chemical emission patterns in food webs. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
Karel P.J. Viaene et al. Ecological interactions alter the response of Daphnia magna populations to chemical stress. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
Morselli M., Semplice M., Zichella A. and Di Guardo A. Importance of exposure dynamics in aquatic ecosystem risk assessment. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
K.P.J. Viaene, A. Focks, H. Baveco, P. van den Brink, C.R. Janssen, F. De Laender. Using the DEBkiss IBM framework to predict chemical effects on two interacting zooplankton species. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
Di Guardo A., Morselli M., Morabito G., Van den Brink P.J. and Frederik De Laender F. European-wide ecological scenarios for the exposure assessment of chemicals in aquatic systems. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Baveco, H., A. Focks, F. De Laender, M. Trijau, P.J. van den Brink. The potential impact of complex dynamics resulting from species interactions on the resilience of systems under stress. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Del Arco, A., P.J. Van den Brink and A. Rico. Effects of intra- and interspecific competition on the sensitivity of Daphnia magna populations to the fungicide carbendazim. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
De Laender, F., M. Morselli, H. Baveco, P.J. Van den Brink and A. Di Guardo. Theoretically exploring direct and indirect chemical effects across ecological and exposure scenarios using mechanistic fate and effects modelling. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Morselli M., Scacchi M., Semplice M., De Laender F., Van den Brink P.J. and Di Guardo A. Exploring the influence of environmental and ecological dynamics on exposure predictions: a modelling approach. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
F. De Laender. ECO19: ChimERA: An integrated modelling tool for ecological risk assessment. Cefic-LRI 17th Annual Workshop, November 2015, Brussels, Belgium.
Baveco, H., A. Focks, F. De Laender and P.J. Van den Brink . Individual-based simulation models of multi-species systems under the impact of chemicals: Complex dynamics can lead to changes in population recovery times and regime shifts. SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting, May 2016, Nantes, France.