Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Request for Proposals

LRI-ECO58 – A regulatory modelling tool for predicting nano and micro-plastics additives concentrations (PEC) in the environment and biota

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LRI-C10 – A tiered strategy of modelled doses, analogy concepts, and testing to approach the human hazard of microplastic particles via inhalation pathway (Stage 1)

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LRI-ECO 57 – Working towards better understanding of hypothesized long-range transport of plastic additives facilitated by microplastics – Building models to support quantitative and use specific understanding

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LRI ECO55: Assessing the Impact of Sample Collection on Microbial Population and Validity Criteria in the OECD 309 Surface Water Mineralisation Test

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LRI ECO54: Next generation risk assessment methods for substances associated with mobility concerns

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LRI C9: Mining the developmental toxicity biomarker genome in the zebrafish embryo test

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LRI AIMT11: Expansion of a regulatory accepted in vitro testing battery for developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) evaluation

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LRI-EMSG60: Are changes in human reproduction a major factor in explaining the increases in 14 diseases and health parameters thought to be related to the endocrine system?

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