This PBPK model generator is stemming from LRI project B3.7.2. and available within the LRI Toolbox in this site. The model will also be featured at the SOT meeting in Washington DC on 6 March as part of their continuing education programme and on 8 March at the Biological Modelling Specialty Section Meeting.
A two-day course covering the fundamental concepts underlying the use of quantitative techniques in toxicological evaluation and risk assessment with specific emphasis on the derivation of DNELs under REACH:
- Use of physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling in chemical risk assessment
- Use of tissue dosimetry in benchmark dose response modelling
- The application of inter- and intra-species assessment factors to derive DNELs
Who should attend?
- Industrial professionals responsible for conducting or evaluating risk assessments on consumer, environmental and occupational exposure to chemicals
- Occupational health and safety professionals
- Scientists interested in physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling
Why should you attend?
Risk assessment is used to evaluate the conditions under which individuals or populations may be harmed by exposure to chemicals from all routes including, environmental, occupational, food and consumer products. PBPK models are increasingly being used in this process because they offer quantitative risk assessment as well as reduction in the uncertainties associated with extrapolating from animal and in vitro data to humans. Further, policy driven issues such as the EU 7th amendment of the Cosmetic Directive and REACH (Registration Evaluation Authorisation of Chemicals) has increased the urgency to develop achievable non-animal toxicity testing strategies for which PBPK modeling has a central role.
The aim of this introductory course is to increase knowledge and expertise in PBPK modelling as a tool for providing a more data-informed chemical risk assessment. Designed to appeal to individuals actively involved in the risk assessment processes, it will include presentations by experts in the field. There will be a ‘hands-on’ session, with examples of data modelling using state-of-the-art software, which has been designed to appeal to biological scientists by removing the need for extensive mathematical and programming expertise. Places will be limited to ensure active participation in the ‘hands-on session’. Early registration is recommended.
Upon completion of the course delegates will:
- Be familiar with user-friendly tools for use in quantitative, data-informed chemical risk assessment
- An approach for the derivation of a DNEL for a chemical with a demonstrable threshold
- Understand the value of modelling in general
- Understand the fundamental concepts underlying PBPK modelling
- Build PBPK models rapidly using a model equation generator and visualize model output using the modelling software, acslX Libero (The Aegis Technologies Group Inc.)
For detailed information on the venue, agenda, and registration fees, please visit the HSL website.