Building on the success of the AMBIT open source software, developed by Cefic’s Long Range Research Initiative (LRI) in order to support industry with chemical safety compliance and innovation, Cefic reveals a new generation AMBIT2 with a workshop for companies on 29 September.
The new version of AMBIT includes for the first time input from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) OpenFoodTox database, in addition to updated REACH information from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), on which the initial version of AMBIT was built. The new generation of AMBIT also contains the VEGA predictive tool.
AMBIT2 has been enhanced with new features for predicting the toxicity of substances and helping “read-across” – a scientific method for predicting the unknown properties of one chemical from known properties of similar chemicals. It enables companies to search for existing information on chemical safety and to securely upload their own data online.
Output from AMBIT 2 will be available in IUCLID 6 format to be compatible with the requirements for complying with the REACH 2018 registration deadline. It will be particularly useful for data-poor SMEs struggling with the complex demands of the legislation.
Says Pierre Barthelemy, Cefic Executive Director, Research and Innovation, “AMBIT2 demonstrates the ambition of the LRI Programme to adapt to the needs of companies for advancing their chemical safety assessment while helping them to reduce their costs for research and development. This makes an important contribution for both legal compliance and innovation.”
Since its launch in May 2016, the tool has been accessed in 58 different countries across the world. It has now 540 registered users from over 300 companies and universities.
The new generation AMBIT tool has been developed by Clariant Corporate Product Stewardship – Global Toxicology & Ecotoxicology in a LRI-project context and in collaboration with IT programmer IdeaConsult, under the LRI project EEM9.3-IC.
AMBIT 2 is free and can be downloaded or consulted online here.