Cefic-LRI, in co-operation with Cosmetics Europe and EPAA, is organising a workshop to discuss Alternatives for Skin Sensitization testing and assessment. The workshop will be hosted at the ECHA offices in Helsinki on April 23-24, 2015.
This event is a follow-up of the workshop “Skin Sensitization Training: Moving Forward with Non-animal Testing Strategies” which took place in 2013.
Workshop purpose
The workshop will present an update on the current status in the development and integration of alternative approaches to animal testing in the skin sensitization area. It will primarily be built around different case studies— for assessing hazard and potency currently being discussed in OECD Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) activities focusing on skin sensitization as well as additional approaches.
We expect approximately 60 participants coming from all over Europe, from regulators (both national and international), industry representatives and third party stakeholders (civil society).
Agenda & sessions
The first half-day of the workshop will showcase selected case studies and updates from both industry and regulators.
The second half-day of the workshop will be made of break-out group sessions in order to allow optimal interaction between the stakeholders.
The break out groups will treat:
-ITS limitations and what else needs to be done to accommodate newer methods
-Chemical case studies – hazard
-Chemical case studies – potency sub-category
For a full overview of the sessions, please read the enclosed final programme.
Venue & timelines
The workshop is organized back to back with the European Chemicals Agency’s Member States Committee to facilitate participation of national representatives. It will start with networking lunch on April 23rd at noon and finish at 12:30PM on April 24th. The workshop will be kindly hosted by ECHA at their premises, in central Helsinki: Annankatu 18, 00120 Helsinki, Finland.
1. Workshop introduction and objectives, David Basketter, DABMEB Consultancy Ltd
2. Development of integrated approaches to testing and assessment at OECD, Joop de Knecht, OECD
3. ECHA’s experience on use of non-animal methods for skin sensitisation, Laura H Rossi, ECHA
4. Skin sensitisation overview/ AOP and Guidance Document on the reporting of IATA, Silvia Casati, EURL ECVAM
5. Skin sensitization assessment without conducting animal tests, Cosmetics Europe
6. Exceptions to the rule – conflicting hazard data and applicabitlity limits, Winfried Steiling, Henkel AG & Co KGaA
7. Workshop break out groups, EPAA
8. Closing remarks, Bruno Hubesch, Cefic-LRI
Case studies
1. The AOP-based “two out of three” skin sensitization ITS for hazard identification, BASF
2. Non-animal testing in the assessment of skin sensitization, RIVM
3. L’ OREAL approach & decision strategy, L’ OREAL
4. Bayesian network integrated testing strategy, P&G
5. Sensitizer potency prediction based on Key event 1+2, Givaudan
6. The artifical neural network model for predicting LLNA EC3, Shiseido
Download the Flash report.
How did we get to where we are now?
Cefic, through its LRI Programme and as an advocate of the 3Rs principle to protect and improve animal welfare, has established a long-standing relationship with several sectors to move forward with alternative testing methods. LRI launched this very ambitious effort with a first workshop in February 2010. Would you like to know more? Click here to read the whole story.