Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


Novel In Silico Models for Assessment of Cosmetics – Practical Applications

The goal of the course is to introduce the use of models relevant for cosmetic ingredients, addressing properties like mutagenicity (Ames test and micronucleus), skin sensitization, NOAEL, and others for human toxicity. The course will also address hazard and exposure, […]

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Training course: Using the General Unified Threshold Model of Survival (GUTS) in risk assessment of plant protection products

This course aims at professionals interested in applying the General Unified Threshold Model of Survival GUTS for the authorization of plant protection products (PPPs).

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The congress EUROTOX 2019 will take place on 8-11 September 2019, in Helsinki, Finland. It is organized by the the Finnish Society of Toxicology (FST). 

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11th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-11)

The 11th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health will take place in Leuven, Belgium, on 28-30 August, 2019.

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2nd European Exposure Science Strategy Workshop

ISES Europe 2019 aims at finalizing all steps and key actions for creating a European Exposure Science Strategy by 2020 with an implementation roadmap and goals for 2020-2030.

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ICCA-LRI and JRC Workshop

21st Century Approaches for Evaluating Biological Activity, Exposures, and Risks of Complex Substances

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SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting

The SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting will take place on 26-30 May 2019, in Helsinki, Finland.

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THE TOXICOLOGY FORUM: Determining Relevant Low-Level Chemical Exposures for Safety Assessments of Consumer Products

The Toxicology Forum intends to progress towards a broadly accepted framework to assess and position the safety of trace chemicals exposure from consumer products, and in particular from articles and assembled consumer goods. Both experimental-analytical and computational approaches, and how […]

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Training course: In-silico toxicology

This training course will introduce the participants to three different in-silico approaches for estimation of human health toxicological endpoints, namely QSAR models, read-across, and the TTC (threshold of toxicological concern) concept.

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SOT 58th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo

The Society of Toxicology (SOT) is organizing its 58th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo on 10-14 March 2019, in Baltimore, US.

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