Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


Influence of Maternal toxicity in studies on Developmental Toxicity

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Histopathology of Gonads in Laboratory Fish Workshop

Organized by IPMC-TMC and the University of Konstanz on behalf of the European Chemical Industry Council - Long-range Research Inititative (CEFIC-LRI), the workshop on the Gonadal Histopathology in Small Laboratory Fish will be held 25th-26th February 2004, Fraunhofer Institute, Hannover, Germany The aim […]

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5th Annual LRI Member Workshop

LRI Members Workshop 2003

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ISEA LRI Workshop

On 24th September 2003, a workshop on "Population Exposures in Europe" was held at the International Society for Exposure Analysis Conference in Stresa, Italy. The workshop showcased many of the LRI-supported initiatives that are underway to address the question of how exposure […]

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Workshop on Data Needs and Research Priorities for Children’s Exposure Assessment to Chemicals

Background On 22nd September 2003, LRI sponsored a workshop at the International Society for Exposure Assessment (ISEA) annual Conference on the “Data needs and research priorities for improved children's exposure assessment to chemicals”. The workshop brought together a number of […]

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LRI shows significant presence at SETAC Europe

LRI staged a substantial presence at this year’s SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Annual Meeting in Hamburg, presenting its work in the area of environmental research and risk assessment. Fifteen scientific posters describing LRI projects in the fields […]

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4th Annual LRI Member Workshop

The LRI team held its Fourth Member Workshop in Brussels on November 20 and 21, 2002. It gathered scientists, industry members, and representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations from nations across Europe, as well as American Chemical Council (ACC) and […]

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Cefic-LRI and ECHA Workshop on Recent Scientific Developments in Bioaccumulation Research

A joint workshop that will look into the latest key developments in bioaccumulation science and will assess ongoing and completed LRI projects on bioaccumulation.

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