Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Intelligent testing

ECO2A-ASTRA: Understanding and Measurement of Persistence in the Marine and Terrestrial Compartments

The persistence of a chemical in the environment - how resistant it is to being broken down in nature - is hard to predict. Its tendency to build up in living organisms - to bioconcentrate or bioaccumulate - is similarly […]

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B2.1-TNO: Characterisation of Uncertainty and Variation in Assessment of Chronic Occupational Exposure

Many adverse health effects of chemical exposure occur after repeated contact over long periods. In assessing the risks of such chronic effects in the workplace, "reasonable worst case" estimates of exposure during a shift or working day are often used. […]

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MISTRA: A New Strategy for the Risk Management of Chemicals: MISTRA and Persistence

To evaluate the persistency of the selected model compounds in the environmental matrices air, water, soil and sediment. Reaction mechanisms and degradation pathways of the model compounds are studied. A theoretical approach will be made to arrive at the conceptual […]

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