Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


ECO18-Eawag: Improved strategy to assess chemical persistence at the water-sediment interface

In this project, we intend to investigate two hypotheses that should (i) help better understand the value and information content of the existing OECD 308 protocol, and (ii) help develop an improved test strategy for assessing persistence in sediment and […]

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AIMT2-TNO: Mechanism-based characterisation of systemic toxicity for RepDose database substances employing in vitro toxicogenomics

Many in vitro toxicogenomics initatives so far focus on the overlap between in vitro mechanistic responses and in vivo toxicity, but are primarily concerned with mechanistic studies and hazard identification. Purpose of this study is to extend this towards applications of […]

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EMSG56-BASF: Combined Low-dose Exposures to Anti-androgenic Substances

Considering the available definitions of endocrine disrupting compounds (Weybridge, 1996 and WHO/IPCS, 2002) it is recommended to follow an appropriate experimental design, duration of exposure, and completeness of relevant endpoints (OECD, 2002). As expected human exposures to chemicals, pesticides, biocides, […]

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EMSG55-CEFAS: Critical evaluation of individual and combined natural and synthetic endocrine active compounds in fish: an in vitro & in vivo approach

The overall goal of this project is to characterize the potential in vitro and in vivo activities of plant-derived endocrine active compounds (EACs) versus synthetic substances and to evaluate potential combinatory effects of relevance to fish reproductive health. In particular, the […]

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ECO17-WAG: Evaluation of test methods for measuring toxicity to sediment organisms

The primary aim of this project is to develop improved methods for assessing potential effects of contaminated sediments on aquatic microorganisms, plants and invertebrates within and across different taxonomic groups, to be applied in a regulatory context such as REACH. The objectives […]

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B7-ETHZ: Estimation of realistic consumer exposure to substances from multiple sources and approaches to validation of exposure models

This project will provide a short overview on existing methods for estimating aggregate consumer exposure, i.e. exposure that adds up from consuming different household consumer products, and is built upon the work that is already funded by LRI in response to […]

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B8-FRAU: Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) for inhalation exposure: Improvement of the TTC concept for inhalation exposure and derivation of thresholds with the database RepDose

Recent results of the analysis of Cramer classes for inhalation studies indicate that local effects of the respiratory tract and eyes dominate the very low NOEC values in Cramer class 1 and also to some extent in class 3 and […]

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EMSG34.4-BACR: Continuation of the Hershberger validation with the intact weanling male rat to prove equivalence to the classic castrated male rat version

The current method of assessing the (anti-)androgenic potential of a compound in vivo is through the use of the Hershberger assay.  This involves first castrating adult male rats, allowing the sexual accessory tissues to regress and then exposing the rats […]

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EMSG34.4-SYNG: Evaluation of the weanling and testosterone-stimulateed weanling rat as an alternative to the Hershberger castrated rat in the detection of coded androgens and antiandrogens

Growing concerns regarding the possibility that environmental contaminants could mimic estrogens and androgens and hence disrupt endocrine systems have led to the evaluation of test systems to detect such contaminants. One system, the weanling rat assay, has been suggested as […]

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ECO3A.3-USTO: Evaluation of the predictability and reversibility of environmental accumulation for substances for POP/PBT-like properties

The objectives of these project are: - to gain a quantitative understanding of how chemical and environmental characteristics interact to control long-term time trends of POP/PBT-like substances in various environmental compartments. - to test the ability of current dynamic multimedia models to […]

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