Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


EMSG19: Chemicals and Pregnancy Study-UK (CHAPS-UK): Multicentre Study of Occupational Exposure to Chemicals and Male Fertility

The research institutes will study 6000 men attending any of the 10 fertility clinics in the UK over a period of 2 years. They will be classified as either fertile or infertile on the basis of sperm parameters. Standardised methods […]

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EMSG20: Environmental Factors and Male Reproductive Functions. A Cohort Study of the Incidence of Cryptorchidism and Hypospadia in 5000 Newborn Boys in the Rotterdam Area

This is a study of 10,000 men, their (pregnant) partners and their new-born children. Information will be collected on the incidence of urogenital disorders such as Cryptorchidism, Hypospadia, lifestyle, working conditions of the male partner and time to pregnancy. The […]

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EMSG25: Comparative Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Vivo Rat Model

The study will investigate sex steroid-regulated gene expression in two sexually dimorphic brain regions i.e. the preoptic region, the bed nucleus of stria terminalis and the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, which are part of the neural network controlling sexually dimorphic behaviours […]

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RTD-INSERM: Neuroendocrine Effects of Endocrine Active Chemicals (EAC): a Literature Review

The mammalian brain and pituitary gland (hypophysis) are clearly target organs for steroid and thyroid hormone action. There is also evidence that prenatal (in utero) or neonatal (young) exposure to high concentrations of some chemicals can affect the developing nervous […]

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EMSG24: Environmental Oestrogens and the Neuro-Endocrine Regulation of Reproduction of Fish

The aim of the study was to study neuro-endocrine regulation, particularly the brain-pituitary-gonad (BPG) axis, 3 freshwater fish species (catfish, trout and tilapia) exposed to 4-nonyl phenol (4-NP) or oestradiol (EE). The research also sought to establish an immortalised gonadotroph […]

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EMSG7: Screening Test in Fish – Aquatic Toxicity Project A

An in vivo screening test for oestrogenicity was developed jointly by three laboratories by measuring vitellogenin in fathead minnows after up to 21 days exposure. This method will be further refined by determination of (anti-)androgens and aromatase inhibitors in the […]

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EMSG31: Aquatic Invertebrates Study – Aquatic Toxicity Project C

Evaluate the published information on the reproductive endocrinology of aquatic invertebrates with a view to evaluate their potential use in aquatic hazard identification of endocrine modulators.

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EMSG13: Genetic Sex Determination of Fish – Aquatic Toxicity Project D

Conduct a literature review on present understanding of sex determination mechanisms in wildlife and the current use of markers of genetic sex for wildlife species selected for use in the testing and evaluation of effects of endocrine modulators. This knowledge […]

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EMSG34A: Validation of the OECD protocol for the surgical castrate rat (Hershberger) assay

The objective of this project was the evaluation and validation of the Hershberger assay as part of the official OECD validation of this test method. This test, developed under the EDTA programme, is designed to help detect chemicals interfering with […]

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EMSG34B: Validation of the OECD Protocol for the Rat Uterotrophic assay

The objective of this project was the evaluation and validation of the uterotrophic assay as part of the official OECD validation of this test method. This uterotrophic bioassay is intended to identify the in vivo activity of compounds that are […]

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