Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


B3.3: The Intake Fraction (iF) concept: modelling, expansion and application tests

In order to help correlate the exposure of a population to a toxicant directly to the source of exposure, researchers have developed a concept called the intake fraction (iF), which is a dimensionless variable. The estimation of the iF relationship […]

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EMSG42: Increase of the robustness of the fish endocrine assay and avoidance of irrelevant endpoints

The objective of this study was to determine the influence of the test items potassium permanganate, 2-methoxyethanol and octanol to reproduction and the endocrine system of fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). For this purpose, mature male and female fathead minnow were exposed in […]

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EMSG38: Review of the Relative Contribution of Industrial Chemicals, Compared to Steroids, in Causing the Sexual Disruption in Wild Fish Populations

Steroidal estrogens, originating principally from human excretion, are likely to play a major role in causing widespread endocrine disruption in wild populations of the roach (Rutilus rutilus), a common cyprinid fish, in rivers contaminated by treated sewage effluents. Given the […]

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ECO6-CSL: Identifying Transgeneric Biotransformational Potential

When aquatic organisms are exposed to chemicals in the environment, some of these chemicals maybe universally metabolised, whilst others are either metabolised by specific species/taxa or are non-metabolisable and therefore may bioaccumulate. The objective of this work was to develop […]

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21DAY: Phase 3 of the validation of the OECD Fish Screening Assay

The eight studies in the attached report were conducted as part of OECD Test Guideline program to validate a standardized OECD protocol for a 21-day fish screening assay for the detection of endocrine active substances (i.e. estrogen, aromatase inhibitors, androgen). […]

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D2.2-VITO: Generation and Application of a Model to Determine Intra- and Inter-individual Variation in Biomarkers

Biomarkers which reflect levels of pollutants in the human body offer a unique opportunity to investigate impact of environmental pollution on humans. Biomarker levels in the general population are influenced by genetic, physiological and external factors. Knowledge on which factors […]

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B2.1-TNO: Characterisation of Uncertainty and Variation in Assessment of Chronic Occupational Exposure

Many adverse health effects of chemical exposure occur after repeated contact over long periods. In assessing the risks of such chronic effects in the workplace, "reasonable worst case" estimates of exposure during a shift or working day are often used. […]

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