Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


B24 – Modeling exposure and biodistribution of microplastic particles in the human body

Aim of this project is to develop a human exposure probabilistic modelling framework for microplastics, and to collect input data for scenario analyses and validation. The framework will be flexible so as to enable implementation of updates as key processes […]

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ECO61: HERA-MP – Establishment of a Holistic Environmental Risk Assessment for MicroPlastics in the terrestrial environment using the study of environmentally relevant particles

The objective of this proposal is to apply a number of OECD/ISO standardized effect test systems on several different types of MPs (WP2), including environmentally relevant MP as well as on a subset of different types of MPs of specific […]

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​​​ECO60: EMIFACT-MNP: EMIssion FACTors for Micro and NanoPlastics

The aim of this project is to develop a model that predicts environmental emissions factors (EF) for the full size range of plastic emissions (macro-, micro- and nanoplastics), spanning the full range of professional, consumer and industrial scenarios, covering their […]

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ECO59 : FRAGMENT-MNP: Developing a mechanistic model of Micro and NanoPlastic FRAGMentation in the ENvironmenT

The overarching objective of this project is to develop and deliver a pragmatic open-source mechanistic model of how environmental factors affect plastic fragmentation and degradation rates. The model will be applicable across a range of conditions in multiple environmental compartments. […]

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ECO58 : Comprehensive additive release and bioaccessibility model for risk assessment of micro- and nano-plastics in the environment

The ubiquitous occurrence of plastics in natural waters1, 2 is a consequence of vast and increasing utilization of synthetic polymers in commercial, industrial, and consumer applications. While the implications of continuous ecological exposure to plastic particles in the nano- to […]

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C10 : A Tiered Strategy to Assess Microplastic Inhalation

The LRI C10 project aims to develop better tools for the identification of the inhalation toxicity of microplastics of different origin/with different properties. Humans are ubiquitously exposed to microplastics; this includes a diverse class of compounds/particles but also very different […]

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ECO57 : μPLANET – microPlastic Long-range transport Assessment aNd Estimation Tools

Recent research has highlighted the apparent ubiquity of plastic debris, including Microplastic Particles (MPs), across the planet and particularly in the oceans. The release of MPs to the environment represents a particular concern given their resistance to degradation. The continuous […]

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ECO56: UTOPIA: Development of a mUltimedia uniT world OPen-source model for mIcroplAstic

The main objective of UTOPIA is to develop an open-source unit world multimedia modeling platform to synthesize knowledge and understanding about the fate of microplastic in the environment. The UTOPIA project aims to deliver a general purpose open-source modeling platform […]

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AIMT11: Enhancing in vitro DNT Testing Strategy

Recently, the need for developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing has been moving into the focus of the scientific community including regulatory scientists. Several initiatives promoted by EFSA, the OECD, and the International STakeholder NETwork (ISTNET) for DNT highlighted the most urgent […]

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ECO54: Developing a tiered modeling framework in support of risk assessment of chemical substances associated with mobility concerns

Persistent, mobile, and toxic (PMT) chemicals, including but not limited to plant protection products, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, are perceived as an emerging threat to aquatic environments and drinking water quality [1]. Due to their high polarity and water […]

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