Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council

Intelligent testing

B11-CERTH: Integrated External and Internal Exposure Modelling Platform (INTEGRA)

The objective of INTEGRA is to bring together all available information within a coherent methodological framework for assessing the source-to-dose continuum for the entire life cycle of substances covering an extensive chemical space. Hence, the major component of INTEGRA will […]

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ECO20-UA: Development of an alternative testing strategy for the fish early life-stage test for predicting chronic toxicity

The main objective of this project is to use a mechanistic framework to develop and propose a high-throughput tiered-testing strategy for screening and prioritizing chemicals for FELS testing (OECD 210). The main objective can be divided into four parts: Establish […]

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ECO21-ARC: Improving the performance and expanding the applicability of a mechanistic bioconcentration model for ionogenic organic compounds (IOCs) in fish (BIONIC)

The general objective of this proposed research is to improve the mechanistic understanding of bioaccumulation of ionogenic organic chemicals (IOCs) in aquatic organisms, primarily fish, in the form of mass balance models and to increase the confidence of applying these […]

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B10-ICL: Animal and human NOAELS: cross-species comparison, inference and synthesis

The overall aim of the proposed project is to provide a systematic and quantifiable comparison of NOAELs derived from animal studies with those from human studies for a range of chemicals and to develop robust evidence synthesis (meta-analytical) methodology combining […]

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B9-VITO: DRESS – DeRmal Exposure aSsessment Strategies

The use of chemicals in consumer products has been, and still is, of great societal importance. Their use allowed industry to achieve a high level of innovation, as well as greatly improve the quality of day-to-day life of many consumers. […]

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HBM4-VITO:Understanding inter- and intra-individual variability in HBM spot samples

In many large-scale human biomonitoring (HBM) surveys, single samples of blood, urine or other bodily matrices are collected from large numbers of individuals recruited from the general population. These HBM surveys aim to obtain information on the distribution of exposures […]

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ECO18-Eawag: Improved strategy to assess chemical persistence at the water-sediment interface

In this project, we intend to investigate two hypotheses that should (i) help better understand the value and information content of the existing OECD 308 protocol, and (ii) help develop an improved test strategy for assessing persistence in sediment and […]

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B7-ETHZ: Estimation of realistic consumer exposure to substances from multiple sources and approaches to validation of exposure models

This project will provide a short overview on existing methods for estimating aggregate consumer exposure, i.e. exposure that adds up from consuming different household consumer products, and is built upon the work that is already funded by LRI in response to […]

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B8-FRAU: Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) for inhalation exposure: Improvement of the TTC concept for inhalation exposure and derivation of thresholds with the database RepDose

Recent results of the analysis of Cramer classes for inhalation studies indicate that local effects of the respiratory tract and eyes dominate the very low NOEC values in Cramer class 1 and also to some extent in class 3 and […]

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ECO17-WAG: Evaluation of test methods for measuring toxicity to sediment organisms

The primary aim of this project is to develop improved methods for assessing potential effects of contaminated sediments on aquatic microorganisms, plants and invertebrates within and across different taxonomic groups, to be applied in a regulatory context such as REACH. The objectives […]

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