Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


HBM2.2-ITC: Development of a computer program with a multi-level modelling tool for the estimation of biomonitoring equivalent guidance values for chemical agents related to health based exposure rates for inhalation, oral intake and/or skin exposure.

Objective: Development of a tiered tool with compartmental and physiologically based toxicokinetic models, taken up in a software program, to derive Biomonitoring Equivalent Guidance Values (BEGV) based on existing health based acceptable daily doses or acceptable health based daily exposures. […]

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S1-WAG: Safety Perceptions of New Technologies (SPOT) – making social and natural sciences meet

Many new technologies' introductions have been hindered by societal negativity regarding their development, application and commercialisation. Whilst considerable research activity has been directed towards understanding the underlying determinants of societal acceptance emerging technologies, this has been done on a case […]

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ECO10: EPOCH – Evaluation of existing population models for their potential application in ecological risk assessment of chemicals

The objective of the project is to provide a review of population models which can be directly used or which might be modified for the ecological risk assessment of chemicals (ERA). The main focus will be on the aquatic environment […]

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ECO14-USTO: Development and validation of an abbreviated in vivo fish bioconcentration test

The overall objective of the research project is to reduce the cost and the number of animals needed to measure the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of organic chemicals in fish, using the accepted ”gold standard” OECD 305 as the point of reference. […]

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EMSG44: Impact of physiological, lifestyle and environmental factors on the development of puberty

Puberty is the transitional period from childhood to adulthood. At puberty onset, a change in the set point (sensitivity) of the so-called ”gonadostat”, which is located in the hypothalamus, occurs. During childhood, small amounts of sex hormones produced in steroid […]

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ECO12: Validation Chemicals for Assessing Biodegradation Tests

This project aims to develop a list of reference chemicals covering a range of environmental persistence and non-persistence. This reference set would be available for use to validate modifications to existing biodegradation test methods and to develop new test methods. […]

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N1-FRAU: Tiered Approach to Testing and Assessment of Nanomaterial Safety to Human Health

The objectives of this project are: - to test the suitability of existing OECD testing guidelines for nanoscaled amorphous silicon dioxide (NASD) and ZnO; - to subject these test materials to OECD guideline testing; - to supplement these guidelines with […]

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N2-YORK: Detection, Fate and Uptake of Engineered Nanoparticles in Aquatic Systems

Nanotechnology is a new and fast emerging field that involves manufacture of materials that are less than 100 nm in size in one dimension. Due to their extremely small size, engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) exhibit properties that are vastly different from […]

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N3-TNO: Testing and Assessment of Reproductive Toxicity of Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials form an important new class of technological materials that have numerous novel and useful properties. The expected growth in production and use of such materials increases the likelihood of human and environmental exposure. Evidence exists that children may be […]

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B4-THL: Integrated exposure for risk assessment in indoor environments (INTERA)

Exposure to indoor air contaminants is one of the major sources of exposure to environmental health stressors, especially given that people spend the majority of their time indoors. Indoor air quality is determined by the ability of outdoor source pollutants […]

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