Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


TAGS Workshop

A closed workshop on aggregate exposure assessment to chemicals

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Presentation of the LRI ToolBox at Cefic

A Mini Lunchtime Seminar organised by Cefic LRI with the support of academia and industry

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SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting

Science and Technology for Environmental Protection

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IVTIP Spring Meeting 2010

"Integrated In Vitro Testing Strategies - Implementation challenges"

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JRC & EEA Workshop 2010

A Workshop focused on aquatic ecotoxicology

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Assessment Factors to Derive DNELs

A Workshop organised by ECETOC and sponsored by LRI

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Navigating Obstacles Towards Modernizing Risk Assessment

An American Chemistry Council event

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Applicability of sensitization testing methods for regulatory purposes

A Cefic LRI workshop to discuss skin sensitization methods in the context of their regulatory implications.

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11th Cefic LRI Annual workshop “Scientific Contributions to Chemical Policies”

Find now the presentations, a podcast and the pictures of the workshop!

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