Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


ECO13: Development, application and evaluation of model-based screening procedures for PBT chemicals and POPs (SCREEN-POP)

The scientific objectives of this project are: 1.To create a tiered screening system for identifying potential PBTs and POPs amongst existing chemicals; 2.To verify whether the potential PBTs / POPs identified in the screening program are present in the European background […]

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HBM2-DOW: Development of a Tiered Set of Modelling Tools for Derivation of Biomonitoring Guidance Values

Current determinations of the exposures that correspond with biomonitoring data (parent/metabolite in blood/urine) are generally conducted with chemical-specific pharmacokinetic models that are physiologically-based (PBPK), to best simulate xenobiotic disposition in complex mammalian systems. While these models are necessary to accurately […]

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HBM2.2-ITC: Development of a computer program with a multi-level modelling tool for the estimation of biomonitoring equivalent guidance values for chemical agents related to health based exposure rates for inhalation, oral intake and/or skin exposure.

Objective: Development of a tiered tool with compartmental and physiologically based toxicokinetic models, taken up in a software program, to derive Biomonitoring Equivalent Guidance Values (BEGV) based on existing health based acceptable daily doses or acceptable health based daily exposures. […]

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ECO10: EPOCH – Evaluation of existing population models for their potential application in ecological risk assessment of chemicals

The objective of the project is to provide a review of population models which can be directly used or which might be modified for the ecological risk assessment of chemicals (ERA). The main focus will be on the aquatic environment […]

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ECO14-USTO: Development and validation of an abbreviated in vivo fish bioconcentration test

The overall objective of the research project is to reduce the cost and the number of animals needed to measure the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of organic chemicals in fish, using the accepted ”gold standard” OECD 305 as the point of reference. […]

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ECO12: Validation Chemicals for Assessing Biodegradation Tests

This project aims to develop a list of reference chemicals covering a range of environmental persistence and non-persistence. This reference set would be available for use to validate modifications to existing biodegradation test methods and to develop new test methods. […]

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EEM2: Validation of the Risk Assessment Module Against Observations and Against Other Models in the Context of EMEP POP Modelling Intercomparison Study

The ADEPT software is a quick assessment tool to calculate European concentrations and deposition of airborne chemical contaminants. In a tiered approach to risk assessment this could be the second or even first tier level. The model gives the result […]

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ECO8: Development of a strategy to predict acute fish lethality using fish cell lines and fish embryos

It is the goal of this research project to investigate if in vitro approaches based on fish cell lines and/or fish embryos can be improved to be widely accepted as an alternative to the acute fish test. With regard to […]

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