Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


ECO6.2-CSL: Establishing relationships of biotransformation across organisms

The overall aim of this study is to develop quantitative structure-activity relationships relating to biodegradation, biotransformation and bioaccumulation in organisms from different taxa and trophic levels and to develop relationships between biotransformation in microbial systems, invertebrates and vertebrate species.  This […]

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ECO6.2-ILSIHESI: Pre-validation of an in vitro fish liver S9 assay to optimize the prediction of bioaccumulation

The specific objectives of this project are to support incorporation of in vitro metabolism data into BCF prediction models and to extrapolate in vitro test results to whole body biotransformation rates (kmet) to be used to refine BCF model predictions. […]

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ART.2-TNO: Advanced REACH Tool – Exposure Database development and population for version 1.5

Under REACH, the new chemicals policy in Europe, exposure scenarios form an essential basis for chemical risk assessment reports to show that chemicals can be used safely. This requires a tiered exposure assessment approach in which the first Tier is […]

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ART-TNO: Phase 1: mechanistic model and Bayesian update

Under REACH, the new chemicals policy in Europe, exposure scenarios form an essential basis for chemical risk assessment reports to show that chemicals can be used safely. This requires a tiered exposure assessment approach in which the first Tier is […]

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ECO9-VUA: Relationships between BCF, BMF and BAF: Improving forecasting of residues in biota in the environment based on laboratory testing

Objectives Overview   Identify the key properties and parameters impacting bioconcentration factor (BCF) measurements in the laboratory and those impacting field bioaccumulation factor (BAF) assessments. Select a test set of chemicals which include high production volume (HPV) substances in the […]

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EMSG39-BAHE: Assessment of biological variability in mice – Development of a draft protocol

The objectives of this project ar the following: Literature search on biological variability and evaluation with regard to organ weights, cylcicity, sperm parameters Drafting of pre- and main study for the assessment of biological variability

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Q2-MN: Overcoming current Limitations In Metabolism Prediction of Industrial Chemicals (OLIMPIC)

It is foreseen that the assessment of hazard and risk of chemicals under the REACH legislation is assisted by the application of computational methods. In vivo toxicity intrinsically reflects metabolism. Consequently, risk assessment can not neglect metabolism of chemicals. Hence, […]

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EMSG52-MRC: Steroidogenesis and inter species comparison literature review

Masculinisation depends on adequate production of testosterone by the fetal testis within a specific'male programming window'. Disorders resulting from subtle deficiencies in this process are common in humans and environmental exposures/lifestyle could contribute causally as common therapeutic and environmental compounds […]

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EMSG49-CNRS: Reprogramming of DNA methylation during mammalian development and environmental impact of Endocrine Disruptors

The analysis of epigenetic modifications at the level of the genome is a very promising field of research. The major question to be addressed is how the epigenome distinguishes cell types and how epigenetic variability between individuals reflects the influence […]

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EMSG43: Endocrine disrupting effects in fish induced by parasites

Recently evidence evolved that environmental compounds can interfere with the endocrine systems of wildlife and humans. Surface waters are suggested to be the main sink for these so called endocrine disruptors (ED). Therefore aquatic species seem to be the main […]

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