Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


AIMT8: Prediction of systemic toxicity after repeated exposure by new approach methodologies (NAMs) – is prediction of STOR-RE classification possible?

This project aims to assess the ability of currently available new approach methodologies (NAM) to predict STOT-RE categories of a range of chemicals for which both in vitro and in vivo data are available and that can be profiled in […]

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ECO33: Use And Interpretation Of Dietary Bioaccumulation Tests For Hydrophobic

The overall objective of the proposed research is to improve the interpretation of dietary bioaccumulation tests for hydrophobic chemicals.

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ECO35: Interference of hepatotoxicity with endocrine activity in fish

The project proposed is driven by the hypothesis that hepatotoxicity may positively or negatively interfere with vitellogenin production, which is used as a key marker of endocrine activity in current OECD test guidelines 229, 230 and 234 and the proposed […]

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ECO20.2: Development of an alternative testing strategy for the fish early life-stage test for predicting chronic toxicity: assay validation

This project demonstrates the use of in chemico assays targeting specific key events of an established Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) to predict higher biological endpoints. One of the case studies in this project focused on the role of thyroid hormones […]

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ECO34: A tiered testing strategy for rapid estimation of bioaccumulation by a combined modelling – in vitro testing approach

The overall objective of our research is to reduce the uncertainty related to the estimation of bioaccumulation of organic chemicals in fish in ecological risk assessment (ERA). Based on a combination of different in vitro approaches to estimate chemical uptake […]

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ECO32: Environmental risk assessment of poorly soluble substances: Improved tools for assessing biodegradation, (de)sorption, and modeling

This project proposal will answer the following questions: Objective: How can the aqueous phase biodegradation kinetics of poorly water soluble substances be measured without the influence of bioavailability factors, i.e., without (de)sorption effects? Objective: How can the desorption rates of […]

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ECO31: Identifying strategies that will provide greater confidence in estimating the degradation rates of organic chemicals in water, soil and sediment

In the first phase of this project (ECO31.1), the team aimed to identify strategies that will provide greater confidence in estimating the degradation rate constants of organic chemicals in the environment. To meet this objective, the team performed an extensive […]

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B18: Carcinogen Dose-Response Database for Threshold of Toxicological Concern (CDRD-TTC)

This project aims to generate a fully-curated, quality-controlled and publically-available database on genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens. The novel database will form the basis of analysis of TTC distributions for cancer thresholds. The specific objectives of the research, in the context […]

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B17: SHINE: Target and non-target Screening of cHemicals in the Indoor enviroNment for human Exposure assessment

The last couple of years have seen substantial efforts expended on the development of sophisticated, high tier modelling of integrated exposure (including via indoor air), such as INTEGRA (developed in a CEFIC LRI project) and Merlin Expo; however these models […]

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AIMT5: Bulding a Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Ontology, integrating existing biological, chemical, in silico models and in vitro methods and data, aiming at an alternative integrated AoP/MoA framework for mechanistic hazard and risk assessment in developmental toxicology

The primary objective of this project is to establish a novel Developmental Toxicity Ontology (DTO), organizing information about Modes of Action (MoA) and their relationships with Adverse developmental toxicity Outcomes (AO) through an understanding of normal embryology. An ontology is […]

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