Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


B14-RIFM: Skin Sensitisation – Chemical Applicability Domain of the Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA)

Since the publication of the OECD AOP for skin sensitisation in 2012, there have been even greater efforts to anchor the development and evaluation of new in vitro and in chemico assays to key events within the AOP. Much of […]

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ECO11 – UNEW: Towards rationally designed hazard, risk and persistency assessment: Putting the “bio” back into biodegradability tests

ECO11: Towards rationally designed hazard, risk and persistency assessment: Putting the “bio” back into biodegradability tests The objectives of this project are as follows: Objective 1a.  Determine the extent and variation in microbial diversity of environmental sources used in biodegradation […]

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ECO26-RAD: Adapt SimpleTreat for simulating behavior of chemical substances during industrial sewage treatment

REACH Guidance for Chemical Safety Assessment makes use of mathematical simulation of the retention of chemical substances during waste water treatment. REACH R-16 describes the use of the model SimpleTreat, developed by Struijs and co-workers at RIVM, which simulates the […]

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ECO22-IRAS: Advancing the use of passive sampling in risk assessment and management of contaminated sediments: an inter-laboratory comparison study on measurements of freely dissolved (bioavailable) concentrations using different passive sampling formats

The main objective of this study is to map the state of the art in passive sampling sediments and to investigate which measures we can take to reduce any inter-method and -laboratory variation, in order to increase confidence in the […]

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EEM9.3-IC: Linking LRI AMBIT Chemoinformatic system with the IUCLID Substance database to Support Read-across of Substance endpoint data and Category formation

A major hurdle in using chemoinformatic systems is the lack of easily accessible data on substance identity including structures and composition e.g. constituents, impurities and additives as well as high quality, detailed endpoint data of chemical substances. This project is […]

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N4-WAG: Science-based grouping of nanoparticles for industrial application of safe-by-design

Current practice is that Regulators evaluate the risk from nanoparticles along the whole value chain, from manufacture through application in products to end of life disposal. This project must provide clear input to the evaluation of nanomaterial value chains. Two […]

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ECO24-UFZ: Computer based prediction of the formation of Non-Extractable Residues (NER) of xenobiotics and their metabolites in soils and sediments with regard to their environmental hazard

The objective of this project is to define alerts from (sub)structures of environmental chemicals to predict the formation of non-extractable residues (NER) and their metabolites in soils and sediments. The intention is to provide a computerized tool to predict whether […]

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ECO25-ALTER: Development of Soup Tests for the Risk assessment of NER in Soil

In order to fully test the NER for its potential ecotoxicity, an evaluation of extracted residues will also be performed. Currently there are no standard methods, except for isolation and testing of each transformation product. An approach that tests the […]

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S3-UCRAIN: Development of a robust participatory regulatory framework to enhance the wider acceptance of innovative chemical technologies

This project is looking to identify the type and form of policy evidence required by policy makers to operationalize benefit-risk approaches to technology innovation. The project's objectives are to: 1. Map current gaps in existing approaches to developing scientific evidence […]

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ECO23-VUAM: Time-Integrative Passive sampling combined with Toxicity Profiling (TIPTOP): an effect-based strategy for cost-effective chemical water quality assessment

The TIPTOP study will test the following two hypotheses: Compound-by-compound chemical water quality assessment based on concentrations of target-analyzed pollutants is toxicologically and ecologically less relevant and thereby less protective than risk assessment based on bioassay responses to the complex […]

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