Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


C9: Mining the developmental toxicity genome in the zebrafish embryo test to develop a spatio-temporal map on morphogenesis and associated biomarker.

The LRI C9 project “zet-o-map” aims to develop better tools for the identification of teratogenic compounds. One of the most promising assays is the zebrafish embryo teratogenicity assay (ZETA).

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ECO 55: Assessing the Impact of Sample Collection on Microbial Population and Validity Criteria in the OECD 309 Surface Water Mineralisation Test

This project will provide improved guidance on surface water sample collection, storage and treatment including a scientifically defensible maximum range between water source sampling and experimental temperature and a suite of quantitative and qualitative tests that further demonstrate inoculum viability […]

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C8 – Assessing the Repeatability of Metabolomics Within a Regulatory Context Through a Multi-laboratory Ring-trial

Background: Metabolomics has reached a critical point in determining its value to regulatory toxicology. Building on 20 years of metabolomics research in toxicology, during 2018-19 the first metabolomics data in a registration dossier was submitted to ECHA; metabolomics best-practice and […]

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B23 – Optimizing the benefit of REACH worker exposure assessments: ensuring meaningful health risk communication

The main objective of the project is to provide a substantial contribution to optimisation of information on (safe) use conditions, specifically in REACH.

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EMSG60 – Incidence trends of selected endocrine-related diseases and conditions in Europe and North America, and the contribution of changes in human reproduction

The first aim of the project is to investigate whether there has been an increase over time in the incidence of 14 diseases and conditions that may be associated with exposure to endocrine active substances.

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ECO51 – SWiFT: Strengthening weight of evidence for FET data to replace acute fish toxicity

The use of fish embryo toxicity (FET) data for hazard assessments of chemicals, in place of acute fish toxicity (AFT) data, has long been the goal for many environmental scientists.

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ECO53 – CC-ALT: A Chemical Categorisation Approach for Long- Range Transport Assessment

This project seeks to distinguish between four categories of chemicals that differ fundamentally in their LRT characteristics, and therefore require different, but complementary tools for LRTP assessment.

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B22 – TMEx-Complex: Tiered Methods for Quantifying Exposure to Complex Substances

Human exposure to chemicals is usually studied and understood in terms of the effect of a single pure chemical, but most humans are exposed to mixtures of chemicals. The project is focussed on determining how human exposure to chemicals is […]

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ECO52 – Bioavailability, complex substances and overall persistence (BCOP): three themes to deliver a step-change in persistence assessments

This project seeks to explore opportunities to improve weight-of-evidence approaches in persistence assessment by incorporating the latest scientific developments in bioavailability, complex substances and overall persistence.

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B19.2 – Refinement of a framework for extrapolating of worker exposure measurement data

LRI B19.2 is an extension of Cefic-LRI B19 project: 'Extrapolating the Applicability of Worker Exposure Measurement Data'. The objective is to improve on the framework delivered in the previous B19 project, by 1) re-assessing the existing case studies in light […]

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