Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


EMSG21: Endocrine Disruption in the Marine Environment (EDMAR)

The EDMAR programme is investigating whether there is evidence of changes in the reproductive health of marine life and if so, seeks to identify possible causes and potential impacts. Areas for research include: development of methods for the detection of […]

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EMSG22: Endocrine Disruption in the Aquatic Environment; Laboratory Investigation of Endocrine-Active Chemicals

Laboratory studies are being conducted in which fish are exposed to defined concentrations of known chemicals. Natural steroids, synthetic steroids and xenoestrogens will be assessed. The choice of test chemicals will depend on field studies in the UK and Germany, […]

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EMSG23: Endocrine Modulating Effects in Fish Along the Elbe River and in Reference Areas. Assessment of Risks Related to the Habitat Conditions and the Natural Variability of Endocrine Functions

The aim of the study is to identify effects caused by endocrine modulation in fish and evaluate these with respect to dysfunction in sex differentiation, development of functional organs as well as fecundity. Another aspect is the determination of the […]

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EMSG27: Environmental Effects on Uterine Tissues of Baltic Seals With Special Emphasis on Organochlorines and Uterine Leiomyomas

The study investigated whether leiomyomas in grey seals, collected during the period of decreased levels of organo-chlorines, were in a regressive phase; and whether the period of increased levels of organo-chlorines caused the leiomyomas to proliferate. In addition, in vitro […]

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EMSG28: Development, Validation and Application of in Vitro and in Vivo Test Systems for Non-Oestrogenic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Wildlife

The project will provide information on effective in vitro (T-screen & Keratonisation Assay) and in vivo assays (metamorphosis, migration and prolonged FETAX-assay) for alterations of thyroid and retinoid dependent processes. It will bridge the gap between the in vitro and […]

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EMSG36: Further Development and Scientific Evaluation of Appropriate Methods for Identification and Characterisation of Toxic Effects of Hormonally Active Substances on Reproduction in Birds as Part of Multi-Generation-Studies

The effects of so-called ”endocrine disruptors” (EDs), i.e. hormone-like acting substances of natural or anthropogenic origin or compounds disturbing the endocrine system by other mechanisms, on reproduction are subject to extensive discussion worldwide. For better identification of such effects, regulatory […]

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EMSG29: Examination of Bull Sperm as a Sentinel Species for Male Reproductive Health

Discussions over possible declines in male sperm counts are hampered by the lack of human data. Data is readily available, however, on sperm counts from other mammals, and this can provide helpful insight to questions regarding male fertility rates. This […]

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RTD-INSERM: Neuroendocrine Effects of Endocrine Active Chemicals (EAC): a Literature Review

The mammalian brain and pituitary gland (hypophysis) are clearly target organs for steroid and thyroid hormone action. There is also evidence that prenatal (in utero) or neonatal (young) exposure to high concentrations of some chemicals can affect the developing nervous […]

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EMSG24: Environmental Oestrogens and the Neuro-Endocrine Regulation of Reproduction of Fish

The aim of the study was to study neuro-endocrine regulation, particularly the brain-pituitary-gonad (BPG) axis, 3 freshwater fish species (catfish, trout and tilapia) exposed to 4-nonyl phenol (4-NP) or oestradiol (EE). The research also sought to establish an immortalised gonadotroph […]

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EMSG34A: Validation of the OECD protocol for the surgical castrate rat (Hershberger) assay

The objective of this project was the evaluation and validation of the Hershberger assay as part of the official OECD validation of this test method. This test, developed under the EDTA programme, is designed to help detect chemicals interfering with […]

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