Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


ECO15/14-15.2-USTO: Rapid estimation of TMF using laboratory, field and computer modelling methods in aquatic organisms

Chemical bioaccumulation is an interesting scientific phenomenon and an important regulatory consideration. The production and use of chemicals that are assessed as having a high potential to accumulate can be restricted in many jurisdictions.  At the same time, recent scientific […]

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ECO16 – IRAS: Generate a validated CBR database and validate a CBR chronic toxicity range for narcotics

The general objective of the research project is to generate greater confidence and acceptance for the application of CBBs in the scientific community and in regulatory contexts. A key element of this research will be to compare model predictions that provide mechanistic […]

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ECO14bis-UNT: Alternative methodology for standard laboratory fish bioconcentration tests

The overall goal of this project is to recommend a scientifically sound and defensible minimalized experimental design for fish bioconcentration measurement.  This experimental design will meet the "spirit" of the OECD 305 protocol producing key regulatory data, but ideally will […]

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B5-CERTH: Realistic estimation of exposure to substances from multiple sources (TAGS)

Exposure to chemical agents originates either from environmental contamination (air, water), or from consumer products (food contact materials, construction materials, cosmetics, clothes, etc.) through multiple routes, namely inhalation, ingestion and dermal contact. Aggregate exposure, i.e. the quantitative exposure assessment to […]

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B4-THL: Integrated exposure for risk assessment in indoor environments (INTERA)

Exposure to indoor air contaminants is one of the major sources of exposure to environmental health stressors, especially given that people spend the majority of their time indoors. Indoor air quality is determined by the ability of outdoor source pollutants […]

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B6-DOW: Improved hazard assessment of chemical sensitizers through testing of novel markers

The specific objectives of this project are as follows: - to provide genome-wide maps of kinetic changes in gene expression induced in draining lymph nodes following exposure of mice to a panel of selected chemicals (comprising chemicals known to cause […]

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ECO3A.2-USTO: Creation, Evaluation and Application of an Integrated Environmental Fate and Human Food Chain Bioaccumulation Model for Polar and Non-polar Organic Substances (IMPS)

The goals of the project are: To create a mechanistically based, non-steady state, chemical fate and bioaccumulation model to predict wildlife and human exposure to organic chemicals. To further develop this model to make it applicable to polar chemicals that […]

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EEM2: Validation of the Risk Assessment Module Against Observations and Against Other Models in the Context of EMEP POP Modelling Intercomparison Study

The ADEPT software is a quick assessment tool to calculate European concentrations and deposition of airborne chemical contaminants. In a tiered approach to risk assessment this could be the second or even first tier level. The model gives the result […]

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ECO8: Development of a strategy to predict acute fish lethality using fish cell lines and fish embryos

It is the goal of this research project to investigate if in vitro approaches based on fish cell lines and/or fish embryos can be improved to be widely accepted as an alternative to the acute fish test. With regard to […]

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