Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


C1.3: Establish a Database of a Number of Parameters Sufficient Relevant for Reliable Prediction of European Consumer Exposures

Many chemicals are used daily in the home, in diverse end-uses such as cleaning, renovating and caring for houseplants. Product labels give advice on safe use, but there is scope to improve understanding of potential risks. One approach is to […]

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C1.5: European Sourcebook of Information Describing Human Exposures to Chemicals in the Environment (ExpoFacts)

European exposure factor data have been collected in one centrally available, freely accessible site on the Internet: the ExpoFacts database. The process of compiling the database required locating the exposure factor data and evaluating its general applicability and public availability. […]

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B1.1-FRAU: Identification of Structure Activity Relationships Alerts for Substances With Low NOELs (REPDOSE)

The toxicological data profiles of many of the more than 100,000 substances included in the EINECS are incomplete. Scientific tools are needed to minimize test requirements and to prioritise research needs. Here consideration of Structure Activity Relationships (SAR) could be […]

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B2.1-TNO: Characterisation of Uncertainty and Variation in Assessment of Chronic Occupational Exposure

Many adverse health effects of chemical exposure occur after repeated contact over long periods. In assessing the risks of such chronic effects in the workplace, "reasonable worst case" estimates of exposure during a shift or working day are often used. […]

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B2.2-FoBiG: Provide Examples Where Risk Characterisations can be Conducted With the Existing and Possible Inadequate Data Sets

This project will evaluate the estimates used today by several organisations (e.g. U.S.-EPA, WHO, EU) to assess the human health risks of chemical exposure, which result in the derivation of human limit values such as acceptable daily intake, reference doses […]

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EEM1-ASTRA: Identification and Evaluation of Emission Databases in Europe

Estimating how much of a particular chemical is released to the environment is key to assessing likely levels of exposure and risk to humans and the environment. Such estimates are often based on very general information due to a lack […]

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EEM4: Development of Tools for Probabilistic Uncertainty Analysis in Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals

The risk to wildlife or the environment posed by a given chemical depends on whether its environmental concentration is greater than set quality objectives (the risk quotient). Both environmental concentrations and quality objectives are calculated based on chance (probability), a […]

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EMSG22: Endocrine Disruption in the Aquatic Environment; Laboratory Investigation of Endocrine-Active Chemicals

Laboratory studies are being conducted in which fish are exposed to defined concentrations of known chemicals. Natural steroids, synthetic steroids and xenoestrogens will be assessed. The choice of test chemicals will depend on field studies in the UK and Germany, […]

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EMSG23: Endocrine Modulating Effects in Fish Along the Elbe River and in Reference Areas. Assessment of Risks Related to the Habitat Conditions and the Natural Variability of Endocrine Functions

The aim of the study is to identify effects caused by endocrine modulation in fish and evaluate these with respect to dysfunction in sex differentiation, development of functional organs as well as fecundity. Another aspect is the determination of the […]

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EMSG27: Environmental Effects on Uterine Tissues of Baltic Seals With Special Emphasis on Organochlorines and Uterine Leiomyomas

The study investigated whether leiomyomas in grey seals, collected during the period of decreased levels of organo-chlorines, were in a regressive phase; and whether the period of increased levels of organo-chlorines caused the leiomyomas to proliferate. In addition, in vitro […]

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