Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


ECO28: Modelling approaches for a scenario based assessment of chemically induced impacts on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities (MACROMOD)

The ecological risk assessment (ERA) of chemicals aims at quantifying the likelihood of adverse ecological effects posed on populations and the communities they comprise (sensu Forbes et al. 2011). Effects caused by the exposure of organisms to toxicants can however […]

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N5-FRAU: Histopathology of rats exposed to Barium sulfate nanoparticles by life-time inhalation exposure – Effects and Biokinetics

A lot of data are known regarding acute and subacute toxicity of nanomaterials, whereas the long term outcome of inhalation exposure to nanomaterials is still unclear. Long-term inhalation exposure data are only available for nano-TiO2 and Carbon black particles at […]

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B16-TNO: External validation of Tier-1 workers dermal exposure estimates in ECETOC TRA

As indicated in the Invitation to Tender, the objective of the proposed project is to obtain a set of dermal exposure estimates aligned with PROCs suitable for Tier-1 chemical safety estimates. According to the tender document, the worker dermal exposure […]

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ECO30-ARC: Expanding the applicability domain of the chemical activity approach for hazard and risk assessment

The general objectives of this proposed research are (a) to link the toxicity of chemicals to their chemical activity, (b) to expand and critically evaluate the applicability domain of chemical activity for interpreting toxicity data, and (c) to facilitate the […]

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ECO29-UVA: Application of chemostat systems to include adaptation of microbial communities in persistency testing (CHEMADAPT)

Persistence in the environment is a key property in assessing the environmental risks of organic chemicals. Currently, persistence is most often determined using screening tests such as the OECD ready biodegradability tests and sometimes with simulation tests designed to model […]

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ECO27-USHE: Chemicals: Assessment of Risks to Ecosystem Services (CARES)

Aim: To facilitate engagement of the chemical industry, academia and regulators to help develop and evaluate the ecosystem service approach in guiding risk assessment schemes for any type of xenobiotic chemical. Objectives: Review and evaluate state of knowledge and available […]

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AIMT6-VITO: CON4EI: CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy

Measurement of ocular irritancy is a necessary step in the safety evaluation of both industrial and consumer products. Assessment of the acute eye irritation potential is therefore part of the international regulatory requirements for testing of chemicals. This project will: […]

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LRI AWARD 2005: Predicting the response of aquatic invertebrates to stress using species traits and stressor mode of action

In the field of ecotoxicolgy the quantification of differences in species susceptibility to toxic substances is mainly estimated using statistical approaches. Although these approaches are very useful for use in Environmental Risk Assessment, they aim at quantifying the variation in […]

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ECO8.3-NC3Rs-EAWAG: Round-robin test of the RTgill-W1 cell line assay to study its robustness in establishment and inter-laboratory comparability

To accomplish international recognition of the RTgill-W1 cell line assay for predicting acute toxicity to fish, the project aims to initiate a round-robin trial in order to test the robustness of the established methodology. In particular, the team aims to evaluate the […]

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B14-RIFM: Skin Sensitisation – Chemical Applicability Domain of the Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA)

Since the publication of the OECD AOP for skin sensitisation in 2012, there have been even greater efforts to anchor the development and evaluation of new in vitro and in chemico assays to key events within the AOP. Much of […]

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