Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


ECO4-RIVO: MonitoringBase. Collation and Evaluation of Monitoring Programmes and Measured Environmental Concentration Data on Organic Chemicals in European Aquatic Environments

To facilitate retrieval of background concentrations and ranges of organic chemical concentrations in the marine and freshwater environment as input for various LRI models (e.g. multi-media, estuary models), ”MonitoringBase” was developed. This database includes information, references and links to more […]

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ECO3B-DELFT: Generic Estuary Modelling System to Evaluate Transport, Fate and Impact of Contaminants (GEMCO)

European estuarine and coastal waters may contain a range of organic and inorganic contaminants. Reliable methods are needed to assess how these behave in the three marine environmental compartments: offshore, estuarine and coastal zones. Transport and fate of contaminants in […]

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EEM3-UDUR: Terrestrial Runoff Modeling for Risk Assessment of Chemical Exposure (TERRACE)

This project aimed to create an integrated software package to assess the transport of chemical pollutants in the environment. It provided European and national regulatory agencies and industry with a state-of-the-art tool for better prediction of concentrations of chemicals - […]

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CC2-MRCT: Gene Expression Profiling of Skin Carcinogenesis in Mice Using cDNA Microarrays

Skin cancers are very common in humans - with around one million cases/year in the US - and their development can be affected by stimulators of growth such as certain chemicals. Although initiation is clearly extremely important, clonal expansion (promotion) […]

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EEM9-PGEU: Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships software for data management

The software system will consist of functional modules allowing evaluation of the data stored in a database and various user interface modules. Compounds database will contain chemical structure, identifiers (including CAS numbers), imported descriptors and experimental data. The functional modules […]

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A2.3: International Workshop on Methods to Determine Dermal Permeation for Human Risk Assessment

This Workshop was designed to bring together relevant expertise and to reach a consensus recommendation on a standardised protocol for in vitro determination of permeability coefficients. The proposed protocol is intended, in the first instance, for testing aqueous soluble chemicals […]

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ECO1B-WRCN: Comparison of Marine and Freshwater Data and Test Methods Review of Literature – Phase I

The environmental risk posed by any new chemical produced or used in substantial quantities in the EU had to be assessed. This process involved estimating the concentration of the substance that could be present in water without harming aquatic life. […]

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R2-BIHH: The Physiological and Bronchial Inflammatory Marker Response to Exposure in the Workplace in Patients With Occupational Asthma

Occupational asthma is the commonest occupational lung disease, accounting for 5% of all cases of asthma, and incidence is rising. Sufferers lose on average half their total take-home income (including compensation) for four years after diagnosis. Whilst the clinical and […]

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ECO1C-TUD: Comparison of Soil and Sediment Ecotoxicity Data and Test Methods

Existing data on ecotoxicity of chemicals for water, sediment and soil varies widely in quality, quantity, validity, and how representative it is. This is due to environmental concerns having initially focused water, with soil and sediment taken into account only […]

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B1.1-FRAU: Identification of Structure Activity Relationships Alerts for Substances With Low NOELs (REPDOSE)

The toxicological data profiles of many of the more than 100,000 substances included in the EINECS are incomplete. Scientific tools are needed to minimize test requirements and to prioritise research needs. Here consideration of Structure Activity Relationships (SAR) could be […]

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