Cefic-lri Programme | European Chemical Industry Council


EMSG52-MRC: Steroidogenesis and inter species comparison literature review

Masculinisation depends on adequate production of testosterone by the fetal testis within a specific'male programming window'. Disorders resulting from subtle deficiencies in this process are common in humans and environmental exposures/lifestyle could contribute causally as common therapeutic and environmental compounds […]

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C2.2-HPAG: Description of the nature of the accidental misuse of chemicals and chemical products

The overall objective of this research project is: - To describe the nature of accidental misuse of chemicals and chemical products available to consumers and to put this information in the context of overall estimates of accidental injury from chemicals. […]

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EMSG37-BAYER: Participation of Bayer CropScience in Phase 1A and 1B of the OECD validation work on the “Non-Spawning Fish Screening Assay” for the detection of endocrine active substances according to the OECD test protocol (ENV/JM/TG/EDTA(2002)5)

In a 21-day-assay (phase 1 B), sexually mature female and male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were exposed to a weak estrogen agonist, or a weak aromatase inhibitor, under flow-through conditions. Three different test-compound concentrations, a water-only control, and a corresponding positive control […]

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AIMT1-PG: Evaluation of Signal Transduction Pathways in Model Organisms as Critical Mediators of Developmental Toxicity

The overall objective of the project is to determine whether model organisms with genetically sensitized signal transduction pathways can be used as predictors of mammalian developmental toxicity. Specific objectives: - Evaluate the effect of model developmental toxicants on the morphological […]

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EMSG54: Advancing Neurodevelopmental Evaluation in Children: An Interdisciplinary Scientific Approach

With published research suggesting growing numbers of children affected by an array of neurodevelopmental disorders, questions regarding etiology will continue to be raised. The uses of neurodevelopmental tests in studies of environmental chemicals and pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders have been reviewed […]

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HBM3: Data on in vitro metabolism and mechanisms of action in combination with kinetic modelling: integrating in risk assessment

The objectives of this project are the further development of strategies making use of the integration of different areas of knowledge on the chemistry and the biological activity of compounds, and their use in the interpretation of biomonitoring data. These […]

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EMSG46: Characterization of testicular toxicity using traditional and omic tools

The aim of this project is to characterize adult rat testicular toxicity induced by compounds that have either an estrogenic or a non-estrogenic mode of action. To fully realise this goal, the differentiation between normal background variability (ie no effect), […]

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ECO13: Development, application and evaluation of model-based screening procedures for PBT chemicals and POPs (SCREEN-POP)

The scientific objectives of this project are: 1.To create a tiered screening system for identifying potential PBTs and POPs amongst existing chemicals; 2.To verify whether the potential PBTs / POPs identified in the screening program are present in the European background […]

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HBM1-UCRA: A Framework for the Development and Application of Environmental Biological Monitoring Guidance Values

Biomonitoring is a useful tool to aid the assessment of exposure to many chemical substances but currently our ability to detect hazardous substances (or their metabolites and effects) may often exceed our understanding of the biological relevance of these results. […]

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HBM2-DOW: Development of a Tiered Set of Modelling Tools for Derivation of Biomonitoring Guidance Values

Current determinations of the exposures that correspond with biomonitoring data (parent/metabolite in blood/urine) are generally conducted with chemical-specific pharmacokinetic models that are physiologically-based (PBPK), to best simulate xenobiotic disposition in complex mammalian systems. While these models are necessary to accurately […]

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